Theme-specific elements#
There are a few elements that are unique or particularly important to this theme. Some of these are triggered with configuration or Markdown syntax that is unique to the theme, and we cover them below.
Most Sphinx sites support math, but it is particularly important for scientific computing, so we illustrate support here as well.
Here is an inline equation: \(X_{0:5} = (X_0, X_1, X_2, X_3, X_4)\) and \(another\) and \(x^2 x^3 x^4\) another. And here’s one to test vertical height \(\frac{\partial^2 f}{\partial \phi^2}\). Here is a block-level equation:
And here is a really long equation with a label!
You can add a link to equations like the one above (1) and (2).
Code blocks#
Code block styling is inspired by GitHub’s code block style and also has support for Code Block captions/titles. See the Sphinx documentation on code blocks for more information.
print("A regular code block")
print("A regular code block")
print("A regular code block")
You can also provide captions with code blocks, which will be displayed right above the code. For example, the following code:
.. code-block:: python
print("A code block with a caption.")
```{code-block} python
print("A code block with a caption.")
results in:
You can also display line numbers. For example, the following code:
.. code-block:: python
print("A code block with a caption and line numbers.")
print("A code block with a caption and line numbers.")
print("A code block with a caption and line numbers.")
```{code-block} python
print("A code block with a caption and line numbers.")
print("A code block with a caption and line numbers.")
print("A code block with a caption and line numbers.")
results in:
Inline code#
When used directly, the code
role just displays the text without syntax highlighting, as a literal. As mentioned in the Sphinx documentation you can also enable syntax highlighting by defining a custom role. It will then use the same highlighter as in the code-block
.. role:: python(code)
:language: python
In Python you can :python:`import sphinx`.
```{role} python(code)
:language: python
In Python you can {python}`import sphinx`.
In Python you can import sphinx
Code execution#
This theme has support for Jupyter execution libraries so that you can programmatically update your documentation with each build. For examples, see PyData Library Styles.
Here’s a numeric footnote[1], another one (preceded by a space) [2], a named footnote[3], and a symbolic one[4].
All will end up as numbers in the rendered HTML, but in the source they look like [^1]
, [^2]
, [^named]
and [^*]
Link shortening for git repository services#
Many projects have links back to their issues / PRs hosted on platforms like GitHub or GitLab. Instead of displaying these as raw links, this theme does some lightweight formatting for these platforms specifically.
In reStructuredText, URLs are automatically converted to links, so this works automatically.
In MyST Markdown, by default, you must define a standard Markdown link and duplicate the URL in the link text. You may skip the need to manually define the link text by activating the MyST Linkify extension.
For example:
MyST Markdown (default)
MyST Markdown with MyST Linkify
There are a variety of link targets supported, here’s a table for reference:
: github
: pydata
: pydata/pydata-sphinx-theme
: pydata/pydata-sphinx-theme#1012
: pydata/projects#2
: gitlab
: gitlab-org
: gitlab-org/gitlab
: gitlab-org/gitlab#375583
Links provided with a text body won’t be changed.