Read the Docs functionality#

This theme comes with support for Read the Docs, a popular service for hosting documentation in the scientific Python community.

Version switcher#

Read the Docs provides a version switcher by default to projects as part of a flyout menu that can be disabled.

This means that you have one of three options if you are hosting a PyData Sphinx Theme-enabled site on Read the Docs:

  1. Use only the Read the Docs version switcher. You must disable the version switcher that this theme provides if you previously enabled it.

  2. Use only this theme’s version switcher. You must disable the Read the Docs version switcher by going to your project’s Read the Docs dashboard. Then go to Settings > Addons > Flyout menu and uncheck the “Flyout enabled” box.

  3. Not recommended: use both version switchers.

Be aware that the two version switchers are not feature equivalent. For example, the Read the Docs flyout provides a translation switcher in addition to a version switcher. On the other hand, the Read the Docs switcher is not styled to match the look and feel of this theme. And there are other differences.

Add ethical advertisements to your sidebar#

If you’re hosting your documentation on ReadTheDocs, you should consider adding an explicit placement for their ethical advertisements. These are non-tracking advertisements from ethical companies, and they help ReadTheDocs sustain themselves and their free service.

Ethical advertisements are added to your sidebar by default. To ensure they are there if you manually update your sidebar, ensure that the sidebar-ethical-ads.html template is added to your list. For example:

html_sidebars = {
    "**": ["search-field.html", "sidebar-nav-bs.html", "sidebar-ethical-ads.html"]