Each pydata-sphinx-theme release has a minimum required Sphinx version, which should be automatically handled by your package installer. It is also tested against newer versions of Sphinx that were available prior to that release of the pydata-sphinx-theme package. If you run into issues when trying to use a more recent version of Sphinx, please open an issue here: pydata/pydata-sphinx-theme#issues
The theme is available on PyPI and conda-forge, and can thus be installed with:
$ pip install pydata-sphinx-theme
$ conda install pydata-sphinx-theme --channel conda-forge
Then, in the
of your sphinx docs, you update the html_theme
configuration option:
html_theme = "pydata_sphinx_theme"
This theme may not work with the latest major versions of Sphinx, especially if they have only recently been released. Please give us a few months of time to work out any bugs and changes when new releases are made.
Development version#
If you want to track the development version of the theme, you can install it from the git repo:
$ pip install git+
or in a conda environment yml file, you can add:
- pip:
- git+