Ignore formatting commits with git blame#

Please follow these steps to avoid obscuring file history when making commits that are strictly formatting/style changes (e.g., after running a new version of black or running pyupgrade after dropping an old Python version).

  1. Create a new branch.

  2. Make any linting and formatting rules needed; either in the pre-commit.config.yaml or in the pyproject.toml file.

  3. Commit your changes with the --no-verify flag to skip the pre-commit hooks.

  4. Run the pre-commit hooks manually with tox run -e lint or pre-commit run --all-files.

  5. Commit the linting and formatting changes.

  6. Open a PR with these changes.


    This PR must be rebase-merged – instead of the default squash-merge we currently follow – so a repository admin needs to enable this setting in the repository temporarily.

  7. Open a new PR adding the commit hashes of the formatting commits to the .git-blame-ignore-revs file.

For more details, see: