Set up a manual development environment#

If you prefer not to use automation tools like nox, or want to have more control over the specific version of packages that you’d like like installed, you may also manually set up a development environment locally.

To do so, follow the instructions on this page.

Create a new development environment#

This is optional, but it’s best to start with a fresh development environment so that you’ve isolated the packages that you’re using for this repository.

To do so, use a tool like conda, mamba, or virtualenv.

Clone the repository locally#

First clone this repository from the pydata organization, or from a fork that you have created:

$ git clone
$ cd pydata-sphinx-theme

Install the sphinx-theme-builder#

We use the sphinx-theme-builder to install nodejs locally and to compile all CSS and JS assets needed for the theme. Install it like so (note the cli option so that we can run it from the command line):

$ pip install sphinx-theme-builder[cli]

Install this theme locally#

Next, install this theme locally so that we have the necessary dependencies to build the documentation and testing suite:

$ pip install -e .[dev]

Note that the sphinx-theme-builder will automatically install a local copy of nodejs for building the theme’s assets. This will be placed in a .nodeenv folder.

Build the documentation#

To manually build the documentation, run the following command:

$ sphinx-build docs docs/_build/html

Compile web assets (JS/CSS)#

To compile the javascript and CSS assets for the theme, run the following command:

$ stb compile

This will compile everything in the src/pydata_sphinx_theme/assets folder and place them in the appropriate places in our theme’s folder structure.

Start a live-server to build and serve your documentation#

To manually open a server to watch your documentation for changes, build them, and display them locally in a browser, run this command:

$ stb serve docs --open-browser

Run the tests#

To manually run the tests for this theme, first set up your environment locally, and then run:

$ pytest