
These pages contain information about how you can get up-and-running with a development version of this theme, and how you can contribute to the project.

Workflow for contributing changes#

We follow a typical GitHub workflow of:

  • create a personal fork of this repo

  • create a branch

  • open a pull request

  • fix findings of various linters and checks

  • work through code review

For each pull request, the demo site is built and deployed to make it easier to review the changes in the PR. To access this, click on the “ReadTheDocs” preview in the CI/CD jobs.

Location and structure of documentation#

The documentation for this theme is in the docs/ folder. It is structured as a Sphinx documentation site. The content is written in a combination of reStructuredText and MyST Markdown.

Location and structure of CSS/JS assets#

The CSS and JS for this theme are built for the browser from src/pydata_sphinx_theme/assets/* with webpack. The main entrypoints are:

  • CSS: src/pydata_sphinx_theme/assets/styles/index.scss

    • the main part of the theme assets

    • customizes Bootstrap with Sass

  • JS: src/pydata_sphinx_theme/assets/scripts/index.js

    • provides add-on Bootstrap features, as well as some custom navigation behavior

  • webpack: webpack.config.js

    • captures the techniques for transforming the JS and CSS source files in src/pydata_sphinx_theme/assets/* into the production assets in src/theme/pydata_sphinx_theme/static/

For more information about developing this theme, see the sections below and in the left sidebar.